We're Lauren and Adam. We live in St. Paul, Minnesota with our dog, Phoebe. Thank you for considering an adoption plan. We know this is probably not a spot you ever expected to be in life, but life surprises us sometimes. As you know, and we know, adoption is one of the options for you and your child. As you work to make the decision on what to do next, we hope you don’t feel pressured, as there are plenty of groups and services that can help prepare you to parent your child.
As you consider adoption as one of your options, we wanted to write this letter to give you an idea of what it would look like if we, Lauren and Adam, were to be a part of your extended family in the unique way that only adoption brings.
We met in college and got married over 10 years ago. Lauren is a Christian (Methodist) minister to college students, and Adam is an IT consultant. We live in Frogtown, a diverse neighborhood of Saint Paul. Life in our neighborhood consists of a walking our dog in a quiet residential area, cultural festivals at the state capitol nearby, a wide variety of restaurants and stores, and catching up with our neighbors.
We have friends and family across the Upper Midwest, from Chicago to the Twin Cities, and we try hard to keep up with everyone.
A child in our home would get to see family and friends in a variety of environments—an aunt, uncle and cousin in the big city (Chicago), Lauren’s parents in the suburbs, Adam’s family on the farm in Wisconsin, and extended family with young kids in the towns in between. Adam would be a constant instigator for family trips to events in the Twin Cities and hiking out in nature, while Lauren would apply her nurturing and supportive skills, honed through her job working with students, to help a child. We consider the most important things for a child that they feel comfortable on this passage through life and know that they are loved by their family and by God. We would love to hear what other hopes you have for them.
Adoption is our first choice for creating our family. We promise that if we take this road together, match time will be just the beginning—whatever decisions you make about visits/openness, you will always be honored, appreciated, and accepted as a member of our extended family. Thank you for taking the time to read our letter and for considering us as part of the story of you and your child’s life.
Lauren & Adam

Email us at laurenandadamadopt@protonmail.com
or contact our social worker at CHLSS
Dianne Delaney dianne.delaney@chlss.org 320-428-0199
Learn more about the agency we're working with-- Children's Home Society and Lutheran Social Services (CHLSS) and they resources they offer to expectant partents at chlss.org